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oktober 30, 2024

Beamex RPRT high-accuracy reference sensor

The Beamex RPRT is a very accurate and extremely stable temperature sensor and is aimed to be used as a reference sensor in the most demanding temperature ca­lib­ra­tions.


september 1, 2024

Beamex MC6-Ex brochure

No other Ex-calibrator can outperform the MC6-Ex in terms of fun­c­tio­na­li­ty and accuracy. The ATEX, IECEx and North American certified MC6-Ex is designed for use in potentially explosive en­vi­ron­ments


juni 26, 2024

Beamex MC6 Wireless Com­mu­ni­ca­tion Quick-Reference guide

Wireless Com­mu­ni­ca­tion feature enables Bluetooth data transfer between an MC6 family calibrator and Beamex CMX or LOGiCAL Calibration Management Software. This feature eliminates the need for USB cables, simplifying the com­mu­ni­ca­tion.

Beamex MC6-T

juni 1, 2024

Beamex MC6-T brochure

The Beamex MC6-T is an extremely versatile portable automated temperature calibration system. It combines a state-of-the-art temperature dry-block with Beamex MC6 multi­fun­c­tion process calibrator technology


juni 1, 2024

Beamex MC6 brochure

Beamex MC6 is an advanced, high-accuracy field calibrator and com­mu­ni­ca­tor. It offers calibration ca­pa­bi­li­ti­es for pressure, temperature and various electrical signals. The MC6 also contains a fieldbus com­mu­ni­ca­tor for HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus and Profibus PA instruments.


mars 18, 2024

Beamex MC6-Ex an­vän­dar­hand­bok

MC6-Ex är en enhet med fem olika funktioner: Mätare, Kalibrator, Do­ku­men­te­ran­de kalibrator, Datalogger och Fält­bus­s­kom­mu­ni­ka­tor.


januari 23, 2024

Beamex POC8 brochure

The Beamex POC8 is an accurate and user-friendly automatic pressure output controller, providing regulated output from vacuum to 210 bar


september 28, 2023

MC6-WS Advanced Workshop Calibrator and Com­mu­ni­ca­tor (UKCA)

UKCA Declaration of Conformity


maj 1, 2023

Beamex MC6 an­vän­dar­hand­bok

MC6 är en enhet med fem olika driftlägen: Mätare, Kalibrator, Do­ku­men­te­ran­de kalibrator, Datalogger och Fält­bus­s­kom­mu­ni­ka­tor.


april 1, 2023

Beamex PG pumps brochure

Beamex PG pressure generators are portable hand-operated pressure generators and ultimate field calibration pumps


mars 7, 2023

Beamex PGL (black) manual

The PGL Low Pressure Calibration Pump is designed to manually generate up to 400 mbar (6 psi) for quick and accurate calibration of pressure gauges, transducers and other pressure measurement instruments.