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Press Releases

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Press release

November 7, 2024

Data-Driven Action: Beamex CEO Calls for Industry 4.0 to Move Beyond Pilot Projects 

After years of pilot projects, industries must move beyond ex­per­i­ment­a­tion and begin delivering tangible results. This is the perspective of Jan-Henrik Svensson, CEO of Beamex, in his critique of the slow progress of Industry 4.0 adoption. 

Healthcare and data
Press release

May 22, 2024

Calibration’s im­meas­ur­able value in Industry 4.0: Beamex’s vision for a safer digital future

Driven by the surge in AI, advanced sensors, and di­git­al­isa­tion, calibration will be essential for realising the full potential of predictive tech­no­lo­gies employed by Industry 4.0.

Press release

December 22, 2023

The demo­crat­iz­a­tion of technology – reducing the risks and reaping the rewards

Immerse yourself in the topic of Technology Demo­crat­iz­a­tion and expand your horizons in the article series, where thought leaders share their insights.

Press release

September 13, 2023

Beamex Partners with CATCH Ap­pren­tice­ships to Empower Industrial Skills Development

Beamex is delighted to announce a partnership with CATCH Ap­pren­tice­ships, a renowned or­gan­isa­tion dedicated to skills, ap­pren­tice­ships, and competency development within the industrial sector.

Press release

August 22, 2023

The urgency of cy­ber­se­cur­ity: Beamex’s vision for a safer digital future

Beamex is pleased to launch a series examining data integrity, defence strategies and continuous calibration to counter emerging AI-powered threats.

Beamex Netherlands
Press release

August 2, 2023

Beamex announces es­tab­lish­ment of subsidiary in the Netherlands

Beamex announces es­tab­lish­ment of subsidiary to strengthen its position in the Netherlands through enhanced local presence.

Press release

July 3, 2023

The rise of AI and the need for accurate data

How can we ensure that AI-generated content and solutions are accurate, reliable, and truly rep­res­ent­at­ive of reality?

Press release

June 20, 2023

Making life safer and less uncertain – for 8 billion people

How can we ensure the world is as safe, equitable, and predictable as possible?

Intrinsically safe calibrator and communicator - Beamex MC6-Ex
Press release

May 31, 2023

Beamex MC6-Ex shortlisted for the 2023 In­stru­ment­a­tion Excellence Awards again

Beamex shortlisted for the 2023 In­stru­ment­a­tion Excellence Awards for MC6-Ex, an advanced, high-accuracy calibrator and com­mu­nic­at­or.

Press release

March 30, 2023

Beamex announces new valve calibration func­tion­al­ity

Beamex has recently launched an important func­tion­al­ity update for its HART-enabled MC6 Advanced Field Calibrator and Com­mu­nic­at­or family.

Press release

March 6, 2023

Beamex renews strategy to support its purpose to create a safer and less uncertain world 

Beamex has announced the public launch of its renewed strategy, supporting its purpose to create a safer and less uncertain world through accurate meas­ure­ments, reliable data, and trace­ab­il­ity. 

Press release

January 3, 2023

Beamex extends its global reach with opening of Chinese subsidiary

Beamex is pleased to announce the es­tab­lish­ment of a wholly foreign owned enterprise in China from January 1st 2023. The subsidiary represents an important milestone in terms of Beamex’s progress in Asia and reaffirms its position as a leading global player in the calibration industry.