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Calibration Excellence Since 1975

Join us as we reflect on our milestones and share our vision for the future.

Anniversary issue – Explore our corporate magazine to gain insights into our journey, our people, and our vision for the future.

A lasting legacy of calibration excellence

Beamex celebrates 50 years of providing a better way to calibrate. We remain committed to driving the industry forward with precision and innovation. Over the past five decades, we have consistently evolved to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers. Our journey has been defined by a focus on making the world safer and less uncertain through accurate, trusted measurements.

Explore our journey and vision for the future in Built to Last: Inside the Beamex 50-Year Journey of Precision and Disruption. Gain insights from CEO Jan-Henrik Svensson and Fredrik Wikström, Chair of the Beamex board.


Years of calibration solutions


Customers worldwide


Countries with Beamex customers

Major Milestones

Beamex founders

1975 Beamex is founded

Four calibration technicians — Eero, Krister, Veijo, and Nils-Erik — couldn’t find the calibrators they needed. “There has to be a better way,” they thought, So they set out to create the calibrators they wanted to use. This led to the formation of Beamex.

V/A calibrator

1975 First calibrator launched

Beamex’s first ever calibrator, a V/A simulator, was developed in Eero’s kitchen. The team worked evenings,  weekends and during holidays on top of their regular jobs. The V/A simulator quickly became a success.

1977 First product exports

By col­lab­or­at­ing with Rosemount dis­trib­ut­ors in Finland, Beamex established direct connections with other Rosemount dis­trib­ut­ors around the world, paving the way for our first exports.

1977 First factory established

The success of the first calibrators quickly created a need for a larger working space. Beamex opened its first factory in a modest 24-square-meter former fishmonger’s shop. This small space marked the beginning of Beamex’s journey into man­u­fac­tur­ing.

1978 First part­ner­ships established

We expanded our sales channels by forming part­ner­ships with dis­trib­ut­ors. Many of these early part­ner­ships, such as those with Gometrics S.L. (formerly GOING) in Spain and AMS In­stru­ment­a­tion & Calibration PTY LTD in Australia, remain strong to this day.

1979 Hiring the right people

Even in the early days hiring was a thorough process, with multiple team members in­ter­view­ing candidates to ensure a strong fit. While recruitment methods have evolved, selecting the right people remains a priority to this day.

1982 Expanding calibrator range

When expanding our range of calibrators to meet diverse industry needs, we were driven by a clear goal: to create the highest-quality products and become a leader in the calibration market. With each new addition, we focused on accuracy and reliability to address the evolving demands of our customers.

1984 Beamex acquired by Sarlin

In the early 1980s Beamex’s instruments and quality-control concept gained in­ter­na­tion­al recognition. On February 8, 1984, Beamex merged with Oy E. Sarlin Ab, becoming a subsidiary of Sarlin Group. Today, Beamex is owned by the fourth generation of the Sarlin family.

1985 Es­tab­lish­ing an export department

Until 1985, Beamex handled exports through a Finnish distributor. To build direct connections with in­ter­na­tion­al markets, an export “dream team” was formed as the company’s first export department

1986 First calibration system launched

PCAL was our first calibration software with calibrator com­mu­nic­a­tion, created to make calibration work faster and more efficient. It helped technicians complete tasks more quickly while reliably storing calibration results, setting a new standard in calibration management.

1986 In­ter­na­tion­al sales meetings

We began holding global meetings with our partner network to focus on sales strategies, product launches, calibration training, and team building. This photo is from a sales meeting held in 1994.

1989 President’s Export Award

In 1986, a panel of experts from VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland selected Beamex as one of the 21 most innovative companies in the Finnish electronics industry. In 1989, Beamex received the Export Award from Finland’s president in recognition of the company’s fast-growing global presence.

1992 First subsidiary established

Driven by growing demand and high ex­pect­a­tions from our US customers, we opened our first subsidiary in Atlanta, Georgia. This expansion was further propelled by several large orders from the region, marking a significant milestone in Beamex’s journey toward in­ter­na­tion­al growth.

1992 Achieving cer­ti­fic­a­tion & ac­cred­it­a­tion

Beamex achieved an important milestone when the company’s headquar­ters in Pietarsaari, Finland received ISO 9001 cer­ti­fic­a­tion in May 1992. In December 1993 our calibration laboratory earned ISO 17025 ac­cred­it­a­tion from the Finnish Ac­cred­it­a­tion Service (FINAS).

1992 Effective solutions to meet industry re­quire­ments

After earning ISO 9001 cer­ti­fic­a­tion, we hosted seminars and events around the world to provide par­ti­cipants with insights into documented calibration processes. Our QCAL Quality Calibration System offered an effective solution to meet industry re­quire­ments.

1993 Taking care of our people

Because people are our most valuable asset, we created “Team Beamex”—a group dedicated to organizing events, fostering a sense of community, and enhancing the workplace experience. To this day, the team plays a vital role in providing an extra level of care and helping people feel connected.

1995 Thriving in challenging times

Despite the economic downturn Beamex continued to thrive, demon­strat­ing resilience and steady growth. Over an 11-year period, we managed to triple our workforce, strength­en­ing our capacity to meet rising demand and support our expanding customer base.

1999 First mul­ti­func­tion calibrator launched

The Beamex MC5 Mul­ti­func­tion Calibrator quickly became an industry benchmark—an all-in-one calibration tool for pressure, temperature, electrical, and frequency signals. The MC5’s modular con­struc­tion meant that users could easily adapt it for their specific needs.

2000 New part­ner­ships formed and a second subsidiary established

We expanded into key markets by partnering with dis­trib­ut­ors in over 60 countries, bringing our solutions closer to over 10,000 customers. We also established our second subsidiary in Leicester, UK.

2002 Major expansion of factory

The Beamex headquar­ters and factory relocated from the original 24-square-meter facility to the purpose-built premises at its current location in 1984. Since then, the facility has undergone three expansions, including a major one in 2002, pictured above.

2003 All-in-one calibration solution

Beamex’s calibration management software has been con­tinu­ously refined, evolving into today’s cutting-edge CMX Calibration Management Software solution that helps users safely manage in­stru­ment­a­tion assets, plan and execute cal­ib­ra­tions efficiently, and ensure compliance in highly regulated industries.

2004 Building a strong brand

Despite an already strong brand presence thanks to our product and software offering, we recognized the need to build an even stronger brand through marketing. With a renewed focus on global and local marketing activities, we set out to further enhance the Beamex brand.

2009—2011 Growing in key markets

Global expansion continued, with rep­res­ent­at­ive offices established in Mumbai, India (2009); Shanghai, China (2010); and Dammam, Saudi Arabia (2011). This strengthened our ability to provide local support and enhanced our presence in growing markets.

2009 Global enterprise deals

By this point, we had established several long-lasting part­ner­ships with global enterprises through strategic investments in hardware, software, and services. These efforts enabled us to deliver com­pre­hens­ive, fully digitalized calibration solutions tailored to their diverse needs.

2010 Driven by innovation

Beamex Product Development adopted an agile working approach, trans­form­ing their processes to enhance flexibility and re­spons­ive­ness. Today, the Product Development Team has grown to become the largest department within the company, driving innovation and supporting the development of advanced solutions.

2011 A new benchmark in field calibration

The first-generation Beamex MC6 Advanced Field Calibrator and Com­mu­nic­at­or set a new standard in efficiency and accuracy. The MC6 automates cal­ib­ra­tions, captures data digitally, securely stores results, and provides high-accuracy calibration for pressure, temperature, electrical signals, and multi-bus com­mu­nic­a­tion.

2011 Strength­en­ing laboratory cap­ab­il­it­ies

To further enhance our calibration cap­ab­il­it­ies, we expanded our pressure and electrical laboratory by building a state-of-the-art temperature laboratory. This addition allowed us to meet a wider range of customer needs and supported our strategic growth.

2017 First SaaS calibration offering

Beamex LOGiCAL Calibration Management Software introduced easy, cloud-based calibration management. LOGiCAL offers secure data storage, instrument tracking, guided calibration processes, and seamless integration with Beamex calibrators. The software allows users to analyze calibration results, generate calibration cer­ti­fic­ates, and access and share data quickly and easily.

2019 Introducing a better way for workshop calibration

The Beamex CENTRiCAL Workshop Calibration Solution draws on our decades of experience in providing world-class calibration solutions. This stand­ard­ized yet fully con­fig­ur­able solution is easy to use, versatile, and ergonomic, allowing technicians to perform efficient, accurate cal­ib­ra­tions comfortably.

2019 Launching the world’s most versatile temperature calibrator

The Beamex MC6-T Mul­ti­func­tion Temperature Calibrator and Com­mu­nic­at­or combines a cutting-edge temperature dry block with mul­ti­func­tion process calibrator and com­mu­nic­at­or technology. The MC6-T offers unmatched versatility for calibrating temperature, pressure, and electrical signals, as well as fieldbus instruments.

2020 Easy to do business with

The Beamex webshop is launched to provide customers with an easy way to purchase accessories and spare parts. Reflecting our commitment to being easy to do business with, we also introduced a service portal for convenient booking of calibration and repair services, and a support portal to provide customers with rapid assistance from Beamex experts.

2020 A refreshed strategy for a safer and less uncertain world

We refreshed our strategy to align with our goals and deepen our engagement with customers worldwide. Guided by our purpose—for a safer and less uncertain world—and our promise to be your partner for calibration excellence, this strategy refresh reinforced our dedication to growth, innovation, and open com­mu­nic­a­tion.

2021 Pressure generation made easy

The launch of the Beamex ePG Electric Pressure Pump and Controller re­vo­lu­tion­ized pressure calibration by replacing traditional hand pumps. The ePG offers easy pressure generation with button controls and is compatible with any pressure calibrator.

2023 Serving customers from 12 offices globally

With sub­si­di­ar­ies in France (2013), Germany (2017), Canada (2019), Sweden (2022), China (2023), and the Netherlands (2023), plus a second Finland office in Kajaani (2019), Beamex now has a total of 12 offices around the world. This expansion reflects our commitment to hiring the right talent and building a unified employee experience across all locations.

2025 Certified for information security

We have achieved ISO 27001 cer­ti­fic­a­tion, a globally recognized standard for information security. This milestone reflects our commitment to protecting customer data and maintaining the highest standards of security. We are thrilled to continue building trust with our partners and customers worldwide.

2025 A lasting legacy of calibration excellence

With over 15,000 customers across more than 140 countries, Beamex is well-positioned for a bright future. Discover more about our journey and future vision: Built to Last: Inside 50 Years of Beamex, Precision and Disruption, featuring insights from CEO Jan-Henrik Svensson and Fredrik Wikström, Chair of the Beamex board

Meet our people

With passionate people from diverse backgrounds and areas of expertise, we work towards finding better ways. Hear Beamex employees’ favorite memories and learn why they love working at Beamex so much.

Explore our careers pages >

Calibration World Magazine 2025 – Anniversary Edition

Explore our corporate magazine to gain insights into our journey, our people, and our vision for the future.

Beamex is your partner for calibration excellence.

Your partner for calibration excellence

We help our customers evaluate and select the right technologies and services for their unique needs. We understand industry-specific regulations and best practices, and our solutions evolve to meet changing business and regulatory environments. We will help you continuously analyze, improve, manage, and execute calibrations.

Beamex has 50 years of experience in developing and delivering calibration technology and expertise. Our world-leading experts and accredited calibration laboratories are here to support you.

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Explore our calibration solutions

Calibration management

Discover how Beamex calibration software helps you digitalize and automate calibration processes.

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Intrinsically safe calibrator and communicator - Beamex MC6-Ex

Field calibration

Experience the Beamex portfolio of advanced field calibration technology.

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Beamex CENTRiCAL calibration bench

Workshop calibration

Meet the Beamex range of industrial workshop calibration solutions.

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Mobile calibration with Beamex bMobile


Get the most out of Beamex technology with expert services, and calibration and repair services.

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Discover how we contribute to a safer and less uncertain world