When Douglas Calibration Services set out to build a fully digital calibration process, their primary goal was to improve quality of life for their technicians by reducing their workload and stress. Beamex LOGiCAL Calibration Software has helped them to achieve this while also giving them the tools to provide a faster and more efficient service for their vast and varied customer base.
Calibration certificates delivery on the calibration day or the day after
Rescuing technicians from a mountain of paperwork
Douglas Calibration Services has been providing high-quality calibration services since 1989 to more than 130 clients, including some of biggest names from the pharma, energy, and food and beverage industries. The company’s highly trained team of over 70 technicians and their well-being is a priority – and this was a
strong driver behind Douglas Calibration Services’ decision to
adopt LOGiCAL.
“As much as we needed to streamline our processes, improve efficiency, and make it easier to generate calibration certificates, it was even more important for us to take the pressure off our technicians, who were drowning in paperwork,” Richard says. He estimates that the technicians’ workload has been reduced by 30–40% thanks to LOGiCAL.
A little peace of mind goes a long way
With such a large volume of calibrations, it’s easy to imagine things slipping between the cracks and being forgotten. When was that instrument due for calibration? Is the reference standard I’m using in date and certified? Once again, LOGiCAL comes to the rescue when these concerns arise.
“We perform around 100 calibrations a month for one of our larger clients, and before LOGiCAL we had to manually track the recalibration due dates on a spreadsheet,” Richard remembers. “Now, LOGiCAL does all this work for us with its ‘instruments due’ feature, so we never miss a date.
Read the full Douglas Calibration Services case story
A helping hand is always available
Beamex and Douglas Calibration have walked the path towards paperless calibration hand in hand from the start. During the transition to LOGiCAL, Beamex convened monthly meetings to discuss any issues or queries, and regular feedback from the team at Douglas Calibration Services has led to the implementation of a host of new features and updates.
“The software itself also has a built-in help center, so if one of our people needs assistance they can ask a Beamex expert for on-the-fly support. We’ve always received prompt responses to these types of queries,” Richard says.