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Calibration uncertainty

Beamex / Dictionary / Calibration uncertainty


A tolerance is a design feature that defines limits within which a quality char­ac­ter­ist­ic is supposed to be on individual parts; it represents the maximum allowable deviation from a specified value.

Uncertainty budget

The systematic description of known un­cer­tain­ties relevant to specific meas­ure­ments or types of meas­ure­ments, categorized by type of measurement, range of measurement, and/or other applicable measurement criteria.


Uncertainty is a property of a measurement result that defines the range of probable values of the measurand

Type B evaluation (of uncertainty)

Type B evaluation of measurement uncertainty includes any method except statistical analysis of actual measurement results.

Type A evaluation (of uncertainty)

Type A evaluation of measurement uncertainty is the statistical analysis of actual measurement results to produce uncertainty values

Test uncertainty ratio (TUR)

In a calibration procedure, the test uncertainty ratio (TUR) is the ratio of the accuracy tolerance of the unit under calibration to the uncertainty of the calibration standard used.

Systematic error

A systematic error is the mean of a large number of meas­ure­ments of the same value minus the (probable) true value of the measured parameter

Standard uncertainty

The uncertainty of the result of a measurement, expressed as a standard deviation. (GUM, 2.3.1)

Reported value

One or more numerical results of a calibration process, with the associated measurement uncertainty, as recorded on a calibration report or certificate.

Random error

Random error is the result of a single measurement of a value, minus the mean of a large number of meas­ure­ments of the same value.