A transfer measurement is a type of method that enables making a measurement to a higher level of resolution than normally possible with the available equipment.
In a calibration procedure, the test accuracy ratio (TAR) is the ratio of the accuracy tolerance of the unit under calibration to the accuracy tolerance of the calibration standard used.
A standard (measurement standard, laboratory standard, calibration standard, reference standard; an étalon) is a system, instrument, artifact, device, or material that is used as a defined basis for making quantitative measurements.
A performance test (or performance verification) is the activity of verifying the performance of an item of measuring and test equipment to provide assurance that the instrument is capable of making correct measurements when it is properly used.
Operations that are based in or directly supported by an established calibration laboratory facility, but actually perform the calibration actions at customer locations.
Operations that are independent of an established calibration laboratory facility. Mobile operations may include work from an office space, home, vehicle, or the use of a virtual office.
Organization, performance, and evaluation of tests or calibrations on the same or similar items or materials by two or more laboratories in accordance with predetermined conditions.