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Calibration and Repair Services

We provide calibration services, repairs and convenient service plans to help you keep your calibration equipment operating at its full potential throughout its lifetime.

Beamex recalibration services

Beamex calibration services

All instruments, including calibrators, need to be calibrated regularly. Keeping your calibrator up to date with regular calibration is important to maintain accuracy and for compliance.

A traceable, accredited calibration certificate is needed if your plant operates according to a quality control system, such as the ISO 9000 quality control system, and/or if you must provide proof of measurements and traceability to your customers.

Sustainable by design

Sustainability is a core component of the Beamex design philosophy. We want our customers to continue using their Beamex products for many years, so they are designed to have a long service life and to be as easy as possible to repair, maintain, and upgrade. This supports the circular economy and conserves valuable natural resources.

Read more about sustainability at Beamex >

Sustainable by design

When I purchased the Beamex Care Plan, I never dreamed I’d actually ever use it for other than re-certification of our calibrators.  After all, I’ve used Beamex calibrators for 20 years and it’s all I’ve ever had to do to them.  But sooner or later accidents do happen, and I was never more glad that I had the plan.

Peter Langlais, IC&E Technician, Rhodes Technologies, US
Endress + Hauser | Beamex

The Care Plans give us a great customer experience, with a turnaround time to Finland of just five to seven days, which is often faster than using local laboratories. Plus, the perpetual warranty allows us to benefit from high-quality maintenance and complimentary repairs.

Read the full case story >

Martin Bedard, Calibration and Program Supervisor, Endress+Hauser, Canada

Despite the challenges and the need to adapt to new ways of working, things went very smoothly. The Beamex team were really helpful and supportive from day one of the project.

Read the full case story >

Nikita Anosov, Project Manager & Scrum Master, National Grid, UK

Good customer service, quick calibration time and precision calibration.

Customer feedback, NPS Net Promoter Score survey, score: 10/10

Beamex US Calibration Lab, Atlanta, GA

At our dedicated calibration laboratory in Atlanta, GA, we provide NIST traceable calibrations and repairs. When you choose Beamex as your calibration partner, you are in the best hands, with our experienced expert metrology staff and seasoned technicians.

Our calibration and repair services are guaranteed to be of the highest quality in the industry. We pride ourselves on a fast turnaround to minimize disruption to your processes and our customer feedback continues to be excellent.

Beamex US Calibration Lab, Marietta, GA
Beamex Calibration Laboratory, Pietarsaari, Finland

Beamex Calibration Laboratory, Pietarsaari, Finland

To provide calibration services for a wide range of calibration products and different measurement signals, Beamex has its own state-of-the-art calibration facility in Pietarsaari, Finland. The laboratory at the Beamex campus is ISO 9001 certified (since 1992) and ISO 17025 accredited (since 1993) by FINAS (Finnish Accreditation Service).

The ISO 17025 certified calibration certificate contains valuable information about each individual calibrator, such as its measuring results, expanded uncertainty, deviation, specifications and assessment of compliance with the manufacturer’s specifications.

Beamex accreditation and certificates

See all our certificates >

What’s included in the Beamex calibration service?

  • NIST traceable calibration certificate.
  • Pass/fail results are indicated on the calibration certificate. The deviations are analyzed on your behalf.
  • If there are deviations, the calibrator is also adjusted (as-found/as-left results).
  • Calibration points are optimized for Beamex devices, to make sure that the device is thoroughly tested on all relevant ranges.
  • Drifts in accuracy will be noticed and countered with pre-emptive adjustments to ensure the continued accuracy of the device.
  • With an automated calibration process, the turnaround is faster and less prone to human error.
  • Repair checks ensure that broken devices are not calibrated until repaired.
  • Cleaning of the device.
  • Free firmware and DD (device description) updates.
  • Any warranty issues occurring during calibration will be dealt with.

Maintain and protect your Beamex calibration assets with Care Plan

The Beamex Care Plan is a contract that covers annual calibrations, repairs, and much more. It is designed to help you maintain the accuracy and reliability of your Beamex measurement equipment throughout its lifetime.

Repairs and spare parts

Beamex offers high-quality equipment repair and spare parts services to customers with Beamex calibration equipment at our facilities in Pietarsaari, Finland and Atlanta, GA in the US.

Beamex products are sustainable by design. We offer wide range of spare parts for Beamex products including complete spare-part kits, making it easy to extend the lifespan of your equipment and ensure it remains in good working order.

Learn more about Beamex services

Expert services

Beamex customized, knowledge-based expert services support you at every stage of the solution lifecycle.

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Mobile calibration with Beamex bMobile

Training services

Beamex training services range from hands-on workshops and classroom lectures to online training and e-learning.

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Beamex CENTRiCAL calibration bench

Calibration cer­tifi­cates

Use our online tool to request a PDF copy of your calibration certificate from our Beamex lab­o­ra­to­ries.

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Service plans

Maintain the accuracy and reliability of your Beamex calibration equipment throughout its lifetime.

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