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Case story

May 6, 2024

Paquin Sensors, US – It’s all to do with quality

Read how Paquin Sensors saves six man-hours in just one calibration case by automating their calibration process.

Case story

February 26, 2024

Water and wastewater facility, US – Securing safe, scalable, and traceable calibration

Read how the US water facility saved up to 75% in labor time and sig­nif­i­cant­ly reduced human error with Beamex ecosystem.

Glatt Air calibration technician using Beamex MC6 calibrator.
Case story

February 24, 2023

Glatt Air Techniques, United States | Beamex MC6 and CMX case story

Glatt Air Techniques enhances efficiency and ensures customer compliance with Beamex

Case story

October 13, 2022

Endress + Hauser, Canada | Beamex MC6 and LOGiCAL case story

A customized Beamex solution including hardware and software sits at the heart of Endress+Hauser’s state-of-the-art Customer Experience Centre in Ontario.

Case story

May 30, 2022

Peñoles Quimica del Rey, Mexico | Beamex MC6 and CMX case story

Deploying game-changing technology for the calibration process.

Case story

May 6, 2022

National Grid, UK | Beamex CMX case story

Beamex’s automated, paperless calibration solution has helped National Grid streamline its calibration processes and save a huge amount of time and money in the process.

Case story

January 8, 2019

Lawrence­burg Power, USA – Calibration in less time lowers costs

Beamex calibration solutions have helped standardize processes and save costs at Lawrence­burg Power.

Case story

October 1, 2018

Eurotherm, Germany – Industry-compliant calibration services for aviation and automotive man­u­fac­tur­ing

Paperless doc­u­men­ta­tion including re­cal­i­bra­tion cycles using the CMX software offers customers a cost effective way of processing and ad­min­is­ter­ing data.

Case story

August 15, 2018

EDF Bouchain, France – Innovative calibration management system for a new generation power plant

The services provided by Beamex have made it possible to prepare all the data, procedures and tasks to be performed so that the service provider company was operational from the first day of the outage period.

Case story

August 13, 2018

DC Water, USA – Improving quality and accuracy of cal­i­bra­tions

Through automated calibration, DC Water has been able to meet the increasing re­quire­ments associated with control system upgrades and evolving compliance.

Case story

August 10, 2018

Miami-Dade WASD, USA – Efficient automated calibration procedures

The combination of mul­ti­func­tion­al documenting calibrators and CMX calibration software has automated the entire process at Miami-Dade WASD.

Case story

May 16, 2016

Cornell University, USA – Why a top U.S. institution hired the MC6 for calibration

Beamex Calibration Management Software together with MC6 has automated the process and eliminated manual errors at Cornell University.