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March 25, 2024

Beamex ePG – Brochure

La Beamex ePG est un générateur de pression (pompe) sur batterie et facile à transporter pour les opérations d’étalonnage de pression in­dus­tri­elle dans des plages allant de –0.85 bar (–12.33 psi) jusqu’à 20 bar (300 psi). C’est un moyen rapide et sans effort pour générer de la pression.

Case story

February 26, 2024

Water and wastewater facility, US – Securing safe, scalable, and traceable calibration

Read how the US water facility saved up to 75% in labor time and sig­ni­fic­antly reduced human error with Beamex ecosystem.

Case story

February 12, 2024

HIF Global, Chile – Making eFuels and de­car­bon­isa­tion a reality

Read how HIF Global, the first operational eFuels facility in the world, made eFuels and de­car­bon­isa­tion a reality with the support of Beamex.

Beamex MC6-T

January 25, 2024

Beamex MC6-T brochura

O MC6-T Beamex é um sistema de calibração de temperatura auto­mat­iz­ado portátil ex­trema­mente versátil. Ele combina um bloco seco de temperatura de última geração com a tecnologia do calibrador de processo mul­ti­fun­cion­al MC6 Beamex.


January 25, 2024

Beamex ePG brochura

Beamex ePG é um gerador de pressão (bomba) portátil operado por bateria para aplicações de calibração de pressão industrial em faixas de -0,85 bar (-12,4 psi) até 20 bar (300 psi). Ele fornece uma maneira fácil e rápida de gerar pressão.


January 23, 2024

Beamex POC8 brochure

The Beamex POC8 is an accurate and user-friendly automatic pressure output controller, providing regulated output from vacuum to 210 bar


January 23, 2024

Beamex POC8 brochure (US)

The Beamex POC8 is an accurate and user-friendly automatic pressure output controller, providing regulated output from vacuum to 210 bar


January 11, 2024

Beamex – For a safer and less uncertain world

Since its founding in 1975, Beamex has been a trusted partner for calibration excellence, helping its customers to con­tinu­ously improve efficiency, ensure compliance, and increase safety in their operations.


January 11, 2024

Beamex -Your partner for calibration excellence

Beamex is your trusted partner for calibration excellence, providing accurate meas­ure­ments, reliable data, and trace­ab­il­ity for a safer and less uncertain world.


December 19, 2023

Beamex LOGiCAL v2.6.0: Role-based access control

Watch Ville introduce the main update in the LOGiCAL version 2.6.0: Role-based access control (RBAC).


December 7, 2023

Beamex IPRT-300 Pt100-anturi

Beamex IPRT-300 on kestävä yleiskäyt­töin­en Pt100-lämpötila-anturi, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväk­si ref­er­ens­si­an­tur­ina teollisissa sov­el­luk­sissa.

Beamex CENTRiCAL Calibration Bench

November 13, 2023

Beamex CENTRICAL brochura

CENTRiCAL é um Sistema modular de teste e calibração para oficinas e labor­atóri­os. Ele oferece instalações eficientes e ergonômicas para a manutenção de in­stru­mentos de processo.